Year: 2010

Red Paint: Not For The Faint of Heart

Just to shake things up a bit, today’s post is on the topic of decorating. I take after my mother and my aunt who love to decorate, accessorize, and redecorate. (My aunt is infamous for repainting her bathroom every season. My uncle is always thrilled.) When we built our house seven years ago, we had […] Read more…

Take This To The Library: Our Book Club Reading List

By popular demand (okay, my sister-in-law asked for it), here is a comprehensive list of the titles read by my fabulous book club over the past two years. I have ranked them in order of my preference, and linked to their Chapters/Indigo description. We began with the goal of reading more Canadian female writers, but obviously […] Read more…

Bottle Battle: Have You Heard That Breast Is Best?

I recently came across a great article in Canadian Family magazine entitled “Bottle Battle” by Sydney Loney. It struck a chord with me, because my breastfeeding experience with Frannie was a complete disaster. I don’t know you all well enough yet to feel comfortable discussing my sore, cracked, bloody, nipples…well, I guess we’re closer than […] Read more…

Did You Know? Green Is Sexy!

Okay, before I go all “earthy” on you here, I should make a few confessions. I absolutely always start my car before heading out in the winter. I was too lazy to figure out cloth diapers. Worst of all? I use the clothes dryer as much as I possibly can. Year-round. (Who likes crunchy clothing? I just don’t get it.) However, I am […] Read more…

My First Award!

Oh my gosh! I wasn’t expecting this! I would like to thank the Academy…er, I mean, Deanna from Money Saving Canadian Mom, for the Sunshine Award! Kind of ironic to be posting about a “Sunshine Award” on a dreary mid-April day when we actually received SNOW, but I am appreciative nonetheless. The rules of the award are […] Read more…

How To Sleep In: The Best $14.99 I Ever Spent

Yes, I know, it has the Princesses on it, but believe me, it’s the best  fifteen bucks we’ve ever put in Disney’s pocket. For Frannie’s birthday we bought this alarm clock from the Avon catalogue, and it’s worth every penny. Now of course, any digital clock would do, although this one does have the cool feature […] Read more…

We’ve Been To London To Visit…

I apologize to those readers joining us from foreign lands, but at this point, most of you are from our lovely province of Ontario, and therefore this trip is actually an option for you. (Don’t get me wrong: although it was a lot of fun, it’s probably not worth the trek for my readers in Kentucky […] Read more…

Read It: Notes Left Behind (Brooke & Keith Desserich)

Do you like to pause while you read, sob for a while, and then continue? If so, then do I have the book for you! “Notes Left Behind” is the poignant story of Brooke and Keith Desserich’s journey through their daughter Elena’s cancer diagnosis and the last months of her life. Honest, touching and inspiring, […] Read more…

“Dear Easter Bunny”: An Open Letter Awaiting Reply

Dear Easter Bunny, First of all, Frannie and Maggie would like to offer you their thanks for this year’s goodies. They were thrilled with their haul of chocolate eggs, and this time Maggie was old enough to look for treats and understand the process (no repeats of last year’s ‘eating-the-eggs-while-they’re-still-in-the-foil’ fiasco). I’m sure you’re quite tired after your busy weekend, but I was […] Read more…

Babysitting Questions and Answers

The new issue of Peterborough, Northumberland or Lakeridge Kids, depending where you live, has just hit the stands (and the net), and in it my latest article:  Babysitting FAQ’s. Who hasn’t dealt with the problem of finding, training, and keeping quality teenage babysitters? I have to say, we have been extremely lucky: we’ve had an incredible babysitter […] Read more…

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