
Christmas Idea # 1: The Festive Lantern

So, I’ve had this beautiful lantern hanging around for years, without really having a great idea for what to do with it. (No offense if you gave it to me. It’s lovely, I’m just not creative enough.) Thanks to the inspiration of Pinterest, I decided to pull it out and incorporate it into my Christmas […] Read more…

This Mom Is Everywhere!

Do you ever feel like you just can’t get enough of This Mom Loves? (Crickets…crickets…anybody?) For those (two) who have been asking lately how to find me on various social media, here are all the details: Twitter (@thismomloves) Pinterest (katewinn77) I’m not much of a recipe blogger if that’s your thing (but if […] Read more…

Halloween 2012 Recap!

Our Halloween Recap: Spent too much on costumes, but Maggie has only ever had hand-me-downs and Frannie has only ever had one new costume (plus, I’ve been at the same school long enough now that I’ve run through all of my old ideas and needed something new too!) I was impressed that Frannie went with […] Read more…

Gifts For Girls: My Kids’ Best-Loved Toys

Let me begin by saying this post is not sponsored in any way, shape or form. The goodies I’m going to mention were gifts for our girls, either purchased by us or family members (or perhaps created in Santa’s workshop). What they all have in common: their incredible value, in terms of time the girls […] Read more…

Paint the Town Red This Halloween With Nestlé

Forget about tacking on the “Disclosure” at the end of this post: I’m going to be upfront and tell you that Nestlé sent me a box of their assorted snack size bars as an incentive to share the information below with you. While I will work for chocolate (it it weren’t for my blogging ethics, a […] Read more…

KIDZ BOP Halloween Hits!

You already know I’m a fan of KIDZ Bop (versions of the songs we love, cleaned up and sung by kids, for kids). This Halloween season, the fun continues with KIDZ Bop Halloween, featuring many “monster” hits! I can’t wait to use this for October gym lessons, and have it on in the class as […] Read more…

Halloween From Hallmark: Scary, Fun and Educational!

As a clutter-phobe, you’d think I would avoid accumulating more holiday-themed decor, but cheesy seasonal decorations are a bit of a weakness of mine, especially with young daughters and students who deserve some inspiration to get into the spirit! My autumn/Thanksgiving decor made its appearance on Labour Day, and I’ll be pulling out my Halloween bin on the first […] Read more…

Need a Grad, Wedding, or Baby Gift? Hallmark Has You Covered!

As part of the Hallmark Press Pause Panel, I receive goody bags filled with Hallmark’s latest and greatest products. What’s worth sharing this time around? WEDDINGS His and Hers Travelling Mug Set ($29.99): The bride and groom can enjoy this matching set of travel mugs with silicone lids and a no-slip grip. Mr. and Mrs. […] Read more…

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

It’s hunting season again…hunting for the perfect Father’s Day gift, that is! Whether it’s for your own dad or grandfather (lucky you!) or for hubby, I’ve got you covered with my 2011 Peterborough, Northumberland and Lakeridge Kids article entitled: “Make This Father’s Day Special”.  Check it out not only for “commercial” gift ideas, but also for Mom-and-Dad-recommended crafts, activities and […] Read more…

Pinterest: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

If you’ve been following This Mom Loves for a while (or even a week), you know that I’m a big fan of Pinterest. That’s why I thought it would be the perfect topic for my latest article for Peterborough, Northumberland and Lakeridge Kids Magazine, entitled:  Get Pinning! The basics of the site and advantages for […] Read more…

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