Year: 2013

This Mom’s Recommended Reading

In addition to about 20 magazines (they are my motivation for the treadmill), I read three books over the March Break: {Note: it didn’t really take me this long to write the post – I had to hold off on publishing it until closer to the release date for one of the books.} Confessions of […] Read more…

Jessica Mulroney: The Momterview

Jessica Mulroney is one busy woman. Wife and mother of twin boys, she is also a Style Expert for Birks Jewellery, and is helping spread the word about the new Skinny Cow lower-calorie chocolate treats. Jessica kindly agreed to answer a few questions for This Mom and my readers.   Jessica This Mom: You’re from Montreal – […] Read more…

Calling Guest Bloggers!

This Mom Loves is looking for some enthusiastic guest bloggers for the Spring and Summer seasons! Do you have a particular area of expertise or top-ten-tips to share with my readers? Photos and ideas for a birthday party theme you’ve tried out? Perhaps you could post about the family attractions in the major city closest […] Read more…

ET Canada’s Cheryl Hickey Welcomes Baby Number 2

Congratulations to Cheryl Hickey, husband Kevin Foley, and son Jaxs who welcomed baby girl Nyla to their family on Wednesday April 17th, 2013. Cheryl tweeted out a photo of the new little 8 lbs, 1 oz sweetie late that evening: Throughout her second pregnancy, Cheryl continued her hosting duties on Global’s ET Canada, and was featured in […] Read more…

Wednesday Words From the Gospels

Wait! Don’t surf away/delete this e-mail just because you aren’t Catholic. Or Christian. Or a believer at all. Even if that is the case, I would be hard pressed to believe that there isn’t a single tidbit of advice, encouragement or support for you to glean from any of the quotes below. Give the words a chance […] Read more…

Look What I Found: The Kelly Ripa Edition

I recently cleaned out our filing cabinet and was excited to come across an old file marked “Autographed Photos”. The back story: when I was a kid, I loved getting mail. When I was eight, I even put an ad in the kids’ section of the Toronto Sunday Sun newspaper looking for penpals, and received over […] Read more…

Promoting a Facebook Post: Is It Worth It?

This Mom Loves has 1325 fans on Facebook. (More or less. More once you click on over and “Like” it. See how smooth I was there?) Anyway, the number seems pretty respectable, doesn’t it? But with the way Facebook works, most of my posts are seen in the timelines of only 50 – 100 people, which to me does not […] Read more…

Homework: Oui ou Non?

According to a tidbit in the April issue of Parents magazine, French president Francois Hollande has proposed a ban on homework. When Parents asked their readers, 65% were in favor of banning homework in the US, and 35% were against. What do you think? As a parent (note that my girls are only in JK and […] Read more…

Nia Vardalos: The “Instant Mom”-terview

Nia Vardalos’ new book, “Instant Mom”, is about adoption. But let me be clear: it is not just about adoption. It’s more of a hybrid parenting/humour/autobiography-she-didn’t-want-to-write type of book. And you should read it. I mean first of all, the woman is fun-ny. While I sobbed at several parts (when her daughter first calls her “Mommy”, for example), Nia’s trademark self-deprecating humour […] Read more…

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