
The Happiness Project: March

This year I’m following along with one of my favourite books, Gretchen Rubin’s “The Happiness Project”, to find ways to make life even better – not just for me, but those around me who benefit from my happiness! Gretchen’s goals for March were based on the theme of “Aim Higher: Work”, and were: Launch a […] Read more…

My First Official Photo Shoot: The Big Reveal

Last Sunday I attended a neat little party called “Headshots and Happy Hour”. Hosted by the lovely Alex (@clippo, I Don’t Blog), it was an opportunity for a handful of bloggers to get together and have new headshots taken by the very talented Cherie-Lynn Buchanan (@clbuchanan, CL Buchanan Photography). As each of us waited for […] Read more…

Adventures In Freelance Writing Volume III

If you missed the first two entries in this series, catch up here: Adventures In Freelance Writing Volume I Adventures In Freelance Writing Volume II Successful Query Letter Sample As promised, I’m kicking off this edition with a sample of a successful query letter which got me my first assignment for Today’s Parent. I had […] Read more…

Deep Thoughts on My Blogging Voice

A very lovely and loyal reader e-mailed me earlier this week with some amazing feedback (I do know her in real life, but no, she’s not related to me!) The subject of her e-mail was “Thoughts”, which could go in any number of directions, but what was on her mind ended up being very valuable […] Read more…

Looking For Input: Disciplining 9-11 year olds

Do you have a child between the ages of 9 and 11? I’d love to get some input for an article I’m working on about disciplining kids in this age group. What “little kid” discipline techniques don’t work anymore? What behaviour issues begin to crop up at this age? What strategies work well now? Do […] Read more…

Interview Advice From Barbara Walters

As a regular “viewer” of The View, I recently decided to read the memoir “Audition” by Barbara Walters. It’s a fairly large tome, at around 600 pages, but since I had hours to sit at the LASIK clinic, I made it through in no time.  In the book, the now 86 year old Barbara details […] Read more…

My New Blog Design Revealed! (Merry Early Christmas To Me!)

So…notice something a bit different? If you’re reading this directly on the blog, hopefully you can see that This Mom Loves has an entirely new look! Thanks to the amazingly talented Kassie from The Cutest Blog on the Block, I’ve undergone a complete redesign and I absolutely adore it. I also should say thanks to […] Read more…

Second Pregnancies: My Article For Today’s Parent Magazine

I’m very excited to share my first byline for Today’s Parent magazine: an article on the physical differences between first and second pregnancies. The October issue of Today’s Parent arrived in my mailbox just over a week ago, and I quickly flipped through the magazine until I found it…and yep, there it is, “Kate Winn” […] Read more…

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