So last week my husband and I made our first ever trip to Sin City…and it was a blast! First things first, I got a Vegas-appropriate Shellac manicure: bright pink with sparkles. It’s not a rule per se that you have to look like a showgirl in order to enjoy your experience, but I figured […] Read more…

Girls’ Getaway in Toronto!
To celebrate my recent birthday, my husband’s three sisters and I headed to the big city for some bonding time. Tomorrow I will bring you the main event: The Marilyn Denis Show, and my post-show interview with Marilyn. For today, here are the rest of our trip highlights: Accommodations We stayed at the fantastic Marriott […] Read more…

New York City Day 3: Downtown and Around
Just in case you need to get caught up on the Winns’ whirlwind Manhattan visit: NYC Day 1: Julia Roberts NYC Day 2: Live! With Regis and Kelly Ready to continue? For Day 3 in NYC, we switched gears from the thrill of celebrity sightings and world-renowned tourist attractions, and went into a completely different […] Read more…

New York City Day 2: Live! With Regis and Kelly
You thought the Day 1 Julia Roberts sighting was exciting? The next day was even better! Day 2 began with our first New York City cab ride, taking us uptown to 67th and Columbus…the studios of Live! With Regis and Kelly. I watch the show all the time, and was thrilled to be able to get tickets. […] Read more…

New York City Day 1: Julia Roberts
I know, I know, you can’t wait to hear every single detail about the Winns taking Manhattan, but I’m going to drag spread the trip out over three posts for each of our three days in the Big Apple, offering you the high and lowlights of our first trip to NYC! We stayed at a […] Read more…

Take Your Family To Mont Tremblant
You should definitely not take your family to Mont Tremblant. Well, unless you love beautiful scenery and a relaxing atmosphere. Tons of activities for kids and grownups alike. Oh, and great accommodations and fabulous food. I guess if you’re in to all of that, you could maybe consider visiting. My mom retired from teaching this year, […] Read more…

We’ve Been To London To Visit…
I apologize to those readers joining us from foreign lands, but at this point, most of you are from our lovely province of Ontario, and therefore this trip is actually an option for you. (Don’t get me wrong: although it was a lot of fun, it’s probably not worth the trek for my readers in Kentucky […] Read more…

Our March Break Getaway
Friends of ours invited the four of us to join them for March Break in the Bahamas. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Instead, I am here to regale you with the exciting tales of our long-distance voyage to Toronto, Ontario! Woo hoo, you may be thinking. From where we live, Toronto is only a commute away, […] Read more…