Tween Titles From Scholastic: Giveaway

Giveaway open to Canadians. Later this month I’m running a Beauty and Self-Esteem workshop for girls at my school (based on the Dove Real Beauty Campaign) and Scholastic Canada generously donated two copies of each of the following Klutz activity books for girls as draw prizes. Even better for you, they are also giving away […] Read more…

Halloween Goodies From Hallmark

As part of the Hallmark Press Pause Panel, I am lucky enough to receive care packages with samplings of their seasonal goodies, and I recently tore into my Halloween delivery. Contrary to my clutter-phobe identity, I also have a cheesy side to my personality, and enjoy strategically placing holiday-themed items throughout my home. (Regular readers know that […] Read more…

Work/Life Balance…I Don’t Know How Anyone Does It

Is there any mom out there who truly feels that she maintains a perfect balance between work and home? If so, she probably doesn’t need to read my new article, “Work-Life Balance” from the October issue of Peterborough, Northumberland and Lakeridge Kids…but I would still love to hear from her. If she exists. In the article I also mention […] Read more…

Secret’s Fall 2011 Collection: Which Personality Are You?

I recently received a parcel full of Secret’s new Fall 2011 collection (I know, my life is rough), and the first thing that came to mind as I examined the all of the leggings, tights, pantyhose, and (yes) legwarmers, was that there’s certainly something for everyone. The “Animal Instinct” line (with ad copy like “make […] Read more…

Calling All Family-Friendly Companies and PR Reps!

Christmas is only three months away, and I have just begun putting together two exciting holiday features that you won’t want to miss! The “Christmas Extravaganza” at This Mom Loves will feature reviews and giveaways of great Christmas gift ideas, not just for kids, but for grownups too! If you want to promote a family-friendly […] Read more…

Wednesday Words For Women

Sometimes I quote scripture, sometimes famous philosophers…but today’s gems are just for fun! There must be quite a few things a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them. Sylvia Plath Genius is of small use to a woman who does not know how to do her hair. Edith Wharton Read more…

Anastasia’s Picks: Scary School and Unlikely Friendships

Two enthusiastic recommendations from my ten year old book-reviewer niece, “Anastasia”: Scary School by Derek The Ghost (and Scott M. Fischer) This is an amazing book. I mean, it’s hilarious! It’s monsters mixed with humans! There are several funny stories with creepy people to go with them, like Mr. Spider Eyes or Mr. Snakeskin! My […] Read more…

Sweet Spammers: An Open Letter

Dear Spammers, To begin, I must thank you, because so far you have not overwhelmed my blog with your attempts-at-free-advertising comments, and I have not yet had to resort to using word verification or other time-consuming methods of slowing you down. A few of you though have taken a shot, and your efforts are nothing […] Read more…

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