For Father’s Day this year, our students made “Quick BBQ Sauce” from Martha Stewart’s website. This could also be done by kids at home!

We were fortunate to have a couple of moms come in to take the kids to the kitchen in groups (they took 4 at a time) to mix all the ingredients together and put them in 125ml Mason jars.
Note that the recipe is enough to fill ONE container, so I multiplied it by 4 for the group recipe, and multiplied the original recipe by 24 to make sure we had enough of each ingredient. It cost approximately $20 for the jars (Walmart) and $40 for all the ingredients. Luckily we had some money left in our school budget to use for the classroom (it’s a great measurement activity and so hands-on) but I’ve also seen teachers ask for donations of $2 or $3 per child to fund gifts or special crafts like this. (And as fellow teachers know, sometimes we just foot the bill ourselves because we really want to do something!)

Let me know if you have any questions!
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