Month: May 2016

Why “Outsmarting Your Kids Online” Should Be Required Reading For All Parents

*Note: Giveaway has ended* Yesterday I purchased Outsmarting Your Kids Online: A Safety Handbook For Overwhelmed Parents by Amber Mac and Michael Bazzell. I couldn’t put it down, and I finished it before I went to bed. Here’s why I think this book should be required reading for all parents: It is SO thorough. There […] Read more…

What Parents Need To Know About EQAO

It’s almost time for Grade 3 and 6 EQAO – Ontario’s standardized testing! (Yes, I just used an exclamation mark.) This will be my eighth year in a row administering the Grade 3 assessment, and last night I was back on CHEX Daily with Teresa Kaszuba to give parents all the information they need to […] Read more…

Canadian Cheese Awards – Giveaway!

Warning: this is my *cheesiest* post yet! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!) My loyal readers know that I am very discerning when it comes to brand partnerships. I receive tons of pitches that range from not-quite-a-fit to wildly-inappropriate, and I don’t hesitate to decline…a lot. However, when contacted with an opportunity share information about Canadian cheese…how […] Read more…

Hair Donation Day 2016!

We started in 2014 (the first and last time I’ll have short hair as an adult!), continued in 2015, and this year we were back for the third annual Wigs For Kids event at our school. This time around there were seven generous little girls (my Eva returned for round two), plus one teacher and […] Read more…

Kate’s Favourite Things – May 2016

BOOKS I’m assuming most of you aren’t interested in all of the Kindergarten professional development books I’ve been reading, so we’ll stick to more mainstream fiction and nonfiction! No blurbs this time, just titles and authors of the ones I really recommend…you can look them up! 🙂 The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel […] Read more…