Year: 2010

Peanut Butter Pie: The First of Few Recipes

Just so that no one thinks I am completely useless in the kitchen, I want you to know that I can bake when I put my mind to it, and over the holidays this year I actually whipped up this yummy dessert twice, both times to rave reviews. (Joan, Amanda and Allison: you are obligated to […] Read more…

Icy Decorations

The daycare at my school did a really neat activity with their kids, so I repeated it with my daughters, and think it’s worth sharing here. It’s a fun and easy way to create outdoor winter decorations for your home. 1. Take empty containers (margarine, yogurt, etc.)* 2. Fill with water. 3. Add food colouring and mix […] Read more…

Read It: Sarah Palin “Going Rogue” (really)

Now, if I were American, I’m pretty sure I would be a Democrat. At least that’s what I would tell people, because right now it sounds so much cooler than the alternative. That said, I truly enjoyed reading “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin. It was a learning experience, as I knew little about American politics, […] Read more…

Momtrepreneurs: Little Leggings By Lynn

I love momtrepreneurs (and in fact wrote an article on the subject, see sidebar) and I especially love the baby legwarmers from Little Leggings by Lynn. My youngest has been in them since she was a few months old, and my almost four-year-old still loves hers. The best thing about Lynn’s legwarmers is that they […] Read more…

True Confessions

Well, I can’t honestly say I love making confessions (although I am Catholic, so of course I see the spiritual value…) but for your entertainment pleasure I will return to this topic every once in a while. Today’s shocker Part I: I pay someone to clean my house. It’s only every other week, just the […] Read more…

Junk Food in Schools: Whose Responsibility Is It?

I came across an interesting article by American Alex DiBranco, “Junkfood Unwelcome in Canadian Schools, Eh?” on, and it got me thinking: at what point do we relinquish the responsibility of food choice to our children? I’m sure eliminating vending machines and removing the unhealthy foods from cafeteria menus will be a change for the […] Read more…

Getting Baby To Sleep Through the Night!

I thought this one would get your attention! Perhaps I am just the luckiest woman in the world, but I would like to think that my husband and I played some tiny role in our daughters’ sleep habits. Both slept through the night at an early age, and have been excellent nappers and sleepers ever […] Read more…

Unique Artwork: Alphabet Photography

After redecorating the main floor of my home last year, I was looking for a unique piece of artwork to hang in my dining room, and found the answer at Alphabet Photography. You can go to their site, type in the word you’d like to spell, and choose which versions of the letters you prefer […] Read more…


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