The winner of the Scholastic “Hope and Heroes” book set, chosen by random number generation, is….
Tina O. from Peterborough, ON!
Tina was entrant #7 out of 48 valid entries, and she said:
“Hi Kate. Even though my children are getting older (16, 18 and 20), I love your blog. You think your worries will lessen as your children grow older, but they really don’t. They just change, and they even seem to multiply because it is difficult to begin to let go, and to let them become their own person after you have controlled their every waking moment for most of their lives. My hope for my family is that I have given them enough of myself and enough of a foundation that will enable them to have very happy and fulfilling lives, to make good decisions, and to aim high for themselves, and that I can feel peace in my letting go. Keep up the good work!”
Congratulations, Tina!
Coming next in book reviews: kids’ books about Canada!