wednesday words

Wednesday Words on Ambition and Encouragement

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you, too, can become great.”  Mark Twain Thanks to everyone who makes me believe that I can be great, and to God for putting all of you in my life. Read more…

Wednesday Words On…Well, You Figure Out The Theme

I love all three of these quotes, and for me they link together in a common theme. I hope they’ll mean something to you today. “Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them.” Russell H. Conwell “To be happy […] Read more…

Wednesday Words on Endings

I have to thank Sandra E. Martin for tweeting out this quote last weekend (since I haven’t read the book or seen the movie myself). As soon as I read it, I loved it: “Everything will be alright in the end. And if it’s not alright – it’s not the end.” #BestExoticMarigoldHotel — Sandra E. […] Read more…

Wednesday Words on Giving

“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure…will be poured into your lap.” Luke 6:38 No, you might not get back as many Halloween goodies as you give out, but there’s definite merit to those Gospel words. What I often need to remind myself of is that you aren’t always going to receive […] Read more…

Wednesday Words

As my students begin writing EQAO today (provincial standardized testing; one of the most anxious times of the year for me) I was looking for some spiritual inspiration. Although I don’t know exactly how these words apply to today’s situation (unless the Lord is arriving with the calculators and dictionaries) it’s still one of my favourite quotations […] Read more…

Wednesday Words

“Is it coincidence that we spend far more than our parents ever did on the restyling and improvement of our homes – homes in which we spend less and less time because we are out earning the money to pay for French chrome mixer taps and stripped oak floors? It’s as though home had become […] Read more…

Wednesday Words on Receiving

As Christmas approaches, we make it a priority to talk to our children (and students) about the importance of giving. On the flip side, here is an interesting thought about receiving: “Receiving is often harder than giving. Giving is very important: giving insight, giving hope, giving courage, giving advice, giving support, giving money, and most […] Read more…

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