A friend recently sent me the link to a ParentCentral.ca article entitled: “Big brands are lining up to harness the clout of online moms”. The piece discusses the incredible influential power that mom bloggers hold, and how companies are understandably lining up to partner with (or take advantage of) them. For several years now the debate […] Read more…
Sweet Spammers: An Open Letter
Dear Spammers, To begin, I must thank you, because so far you have not overwhelmed my blog with your attempts-at-free-advertising comments, and I have not yet had to resort to using word verification or other time-consuming methods of slowing you down. A few of you though have taken a shot, and your efforts are nothing […] Read more…

Using Google Docs For Giveaways
I recently started using Google Docs for giveaways here at This Mom Loves, and I’ve found a number of advantages: It still works even when there are glitches with Blogger comments It keeps entrants’ email addresses private (they appear on my spreadsheet, nowhere else) It can be filled in and submitted much more efficiently (several entries […] Read more…

Great Canadian Blog Bash and a Hallmark Giveaway!
Perhaps I’m biased, but I feel confident saying that Canada is the best country in the world. I enjoy visiting elsewhere (the sunny south, or incredible New York City, for example) but I could never imagine living anywhere else. As a teacher, I am well aware that many of our systems (e.g. education, health care) […] Read more…
Why I Love MeebleMail!
So, do any of you ladies send e-mails at all? Okay, that’s a yes. Wouldn’t you love to have stylish, personalized stationery that works within your e-mail program? I had never even thought of this until I heard from MeebleMail…and now I am a huge fan. What is MeebleMail? you ask. Here’s what they say […] Read more…

They Searched What????
So, every once in a while I take a look at the stats for This Mom Loves (I use Google Analytics) just to see how much traffic I’m getting, how visitors are directed to my site, and where (geographically) they’re coming from. It’s also fascinating to examine the search terms that web surfers have used […] Read more…
You Don’t HAVE To Keep Checking…(and a question for bloggers)
This one is for the several friends, family members, coworkers and acquaintances who have recently mentioned that they wished they had a way to know when I had a new post up here at This Mom Loves, rather than having to continuously check. The solution? You can very easily subscribe to This Mom Loves by email….just click […] Read more…
It’s My Blogiversary: Now Delurk!
Today marks the First Anniversary of This Mom Loves! I can’t believe that one year ago today I published my first post (though I waited a couple of weeks before actually sharing the address with anyone!) Now, don’t feel badly if you forgot all about my special day. Stick with me for a minute, and […] Read more…

So, How Do I Look?
WAIT! STOP SCROLLING! If you’re reading this post in your Google reader or email, you absolutely must click on the title above, and pop on over for a quick visit at This Mom Loves. I have a new look! While I love the template I’ve been working with, the header was a little uninspired. The flowers […] Read more…