
The Possible Police: Cute Children’s Title

In “The Possible Police” (written by Wylde Scott and illustrated by Hannah K. Shuping) a child’s dreams are called into question by the eponymous authorities: “You simply can’t, it’s just not done…” “Give up your hope and face the facts!” However, the child knows better, with reponses like: “You have not seen, you do not […] Read more…

Christmas Gift Ideas For Teachers

In my latest CHEX Daily segment, I sit down with hosts Teresa Kaszuba and Mike Judson to chat about Christmas gifts for teachers: Are they necessary? What do teachers really appreciate? (It might not be what you think!) What if you’re on a budget? How can you acknowledge support staff? And (since Mike asks!) what […] Read more…

Hallmark’s New Northpole Collection – with GIVEAWAY!

I’m always excited to find a box from Hallmark on my front steps, and the latest delivery did not disappoint. Inside I found a selection of Northpole goodies, all the way from the enchanted city! My favourites: all of these fun supplies for North Pole-inspired baking! Shown below are Bake Like an Elf Kit with […] Read more…

My Christmas Decor: A Photo Tour

Today I’m giving you a little tour of my home, all decorated for Christmas (except for the tree, which isn’t up yet). A lot of credit this year goes to my creative mother, who came to help me shake things up . We’ve been in our house 11 years now, and I’ve been stuck in […] Read more…

Help Your Kids Get Organized – My CHEX Daily Segment

I love to organize, and I expect organization from my students as well as from my daughters (they’re all getting there). Having a (flexible) routine and an assigned place for everything makes life run so much more smoothly, especially at home with kids. That’s why this topic seemed very fitting for my latest “Teacher, Teacher!” […] Read more…

“Yes Please” by Amy Poehler: My Mini-Review

I love Amy Poehler’s comedy, and I couldn’t wait for a library copy of her new book so I picked it up at Chapters (hey, it was 40% off!) “Yes Please” kept me interested and turning the pages, and I read it over two days. I always love celeb memoirs, as I feel like I’m […] Read more…

I’m Finally On Instagram!

This post will be short and sweet, dear readers: I finally joined Instagram! As a blogger who wants to continue to have a social media presence (as well as a teacher and parent who wants to keep up to date with what the kids are doing) I thought it was about time. I also can […] Read more…

Preventing the Spread of Germs: My Latest Parents Canada article

Here’s a link to my latest article for Parents Canada, “Teaching Your Kids How Not To Spread Germs”: I really enjoyed my interview with pediatric infectious disease specialist Dr. Ashley Roberts of BC Children’s Hospital, who shared her expertise regarding vaccinations, hand sanitizers, how clean to keep your house and when to keep your child […] Read more…

Euphoria Wellness Spa: The Ultimate Spa Experience

My afternoon at Euphoria Wellness Spa in Peterborough was pure luxury. (All photos courtesy Euphoria Wellness Spa) Upon arrival in the reception area, I was checked in and whisked off to the change room where I was provided with a cozy spa robe and sandals and invited to use the sauna and steam room before […] Read more…

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