I am so excited to announce that the This Mom Loves Virtual Book Club will officially be launching in January 2020!
Wish you could be in a book club, but have trouble finding likeminded readers or making it to scheduled meetings? Do you belong to a fantastic “book” club but they’ve stopped reading books? (Ahem.) I have the answer!
One of the most common reasons people tell me they started to follow my blog or social media accounts or listen to my podcast is because of my book recommendations, and this seemed like a fun extension of that.
This club will be a Facebook group welcoming anyone who wants to make an honest effort to read the monthly picks and engage at least somewhat with group members. (It’s not the place for 100% lurkers, though as an introvert I could accept a 75% lurking/25% liking, replying and posting type of personality!)
Book choices will be eclectic: definitely a mixture of accessible (not academic or high brow) fiction and nonfiction, leaning more towards female writers, and while a range of topics will be explored, I can’t deny that my demographics will at least subconsciously sway the selections (related: I’m 42, Canadian, I have many jobs including teaching, and I’m a mom of two). Some books will be new releases (I’m lucky enough to receive a lot of review copies so I know what’s good) and some may be slightly older or even classics and will be announced in advance to give group members time to order or put on their library holds list! If you’ve already read it…great! You’re all set to discuss before the rest of us even crack open our copies!
More details will be coming within the next couple of days (including January’s book selection), but you’ll have to be in the group for all future updates!
Drop a comment on this Facebook post and I will be sure to send you one of the very first invites!