When I get pitches for baby/toddler products these days, I usually hit “delete” without paying too much attention. That said, when I received information from Bobux about their shoes for little ones, not only was I impressed, I also had a special little baby model in mind to show off a few pairs (sweet Rose, daughter of my ECE partner in kindergarten, Sarah)!

Babies, of course, don’t need to wear shoes until they start to walk outside – though there’s nothing wrong with some cute footwear for photos and special outings. When your little one starts to crawl and you know they’ll be on their feet soon, function is definitely more important than fashion – but Bobux has you covered for both!

Based in New Zealand (they have a Canadian website and shipping is 7-14 days at a flat rate of $10), Bobux is always striving to learn more about healthy foot development and design shoes that are actually good for kids, and I love that on their site they actually stress that barefoot is best during the early walking stage! Their goal is to mimic barefeet as best they can with their shoes for the times that you do want those little toes protected! I was super impressed with how much research and thought goes into their product development.

If you do want footwear (especially for outdoors) light, flexible shoes with soft, non-skid soles are the perfect choice…and if they’re adorable too, that’s a bonus!
I didn’t have to twist Sarah’s arm too hard to choose a few pairs from the Bobux site for little Rose (not an easy task – the selection is huge!), and we had some fun with a lunchtime photo shoot to show off the high-quality footwear – at least the pairs that fit Rose right now!

Bobux carries shoes for kids right through preschool and the selection runs the gamut from ballet and dress shoes to sandals and sneakers. You can even find the perfect fit for your child using a photo on your smartphone!

Visit Bobux for more information or to order your little one’s next (or first!) pair of shoes!
Disclosure: I was provided with the above shoes for review purposes. Opinions are, as always, my own.