This year I’m following along with one of my favourite books, Gretchen Rubin’s “The Happiness Project”, to find ways to make life even better – not just for me, but those around me who benefit from my happiness!
Gretchen’s goals for March were based on the theme of “Aim Higher: Work”, and were:
- Launch a blog
- Enjoy the fun of failure
- Ask for help
- Work smart
- Enjoy now
As a productivity junkie (I get high from crossing things off my list) work is very important to me. I have two paying jobs (teaching and writing) and there’s also the whole running-a-household hobby that so many of us putter at, meaning there’s always work to be done. On a writing-related note, I love this quote from Rubin: “I love writing, reading, research, note taking, analysis and criticism. (Well, I don’t actually love writing, but then practically no writer ever loves the writing part.)”
Launch a blog: Check! I just celebrated my fourth blogiversary, and I do think that my blog has contributed to my work (in both official areas) and to my own sense of accomplishment, and therefore general happiness. Blogging has given me so many amazing opportunities, not only to share my experiences and opinions with an audience, but also to work with brands, travel, and have tons of behind-the-scenes opportunities…and the Momterviews alone are worth all of the work that has gone into This Mom Loves. What I need to remember (which also relates to “Enjoy now”) is that it’s more important for me and my girls to have fun in the moment, and not worry so much about commemorating the occasion for my blog or corresponding Twitter/Facebook feeds. I have been guilty of pushing a photo op until the moment has passed and the fun is over!
Enjoy the fun of failure: This one isn’t easy, but having spent several years pitching magazines – often unsuccessfully, if success is defined as landing the assignment – I can now deal with rejection and learn from it. Not sure if I’m at the “enjoy the fun of it” phase…but maybe that will come! Being less afraid of failing has helped me to take more risks – especially since I usually have the safety of my laptop to hide behind – to the point that sometimes I’m more scared of what will happen if the answer is “yes” than if it’s “no”!
Ask for help: I have never been afraid to do this at school, and I’d like to think that I’m the kind of coworker that others find “helpful”. Cheesy as it may sound, I really do believe that we all win when we work as a team. I’ve been very lucky though that my husband is in the same profession as I am. Perhaps we spend a bit too much time talking about work, but I think it has helped us to bond by sharing our experiences. In the writing world, I know there are people I can turn to for advice, and I never hesitate to help another writer who has a question or needs a hand. Plus there’s my amazing friend Sarah from
Sleeping Is For Losers (Twitter @sarahnewk), whom I just met for the first time in real life, but who is always one of the first people with whom I share my blogging and writing news – and who is also quick to support me when I face a freelancing setback or disappointment (she’s not telling…I don’t think!)
Work smart: Why, oh why, do some people like to do things at the last minute? I have never in my life pulled a work-related all-nighter. High school, university, first year teaching…I have always prioritized my sleep (and relaxing in the evenings in front of the television!) and I pride myself on getting things done early. I’m a pretty efficient person (when hubby wants to get things done, his mantra is “Be a Kate! Be a Kate!”) but that definitely means that I’m also a bit of a serious person, which some might see as a little bit boring. I’m okay with the fact that no one ever has, or ever will, refer to me as “a party girl”.
Enjoy now: This one needs more work for sure. I’m very happy with my life right now (I don’t suffer from the “everything will be better when….” syndrome) but since I always want to be ahead with what needs to be done tomorrow, I know I don’t do enough rose-smelling. Definitely something to focus on this month…and March Break should certainly help with that. Is anyone else out there so done with winter???
Do any of these work-related happiness goals resonate with you? What are you going to focus on this month?
To catch up:
The Happiness Project: January
The Happiness Project: February