So, every once in a while I take a look at the stats for This Mom Loves (I use Google Analytics) just to see how much traffic I’m getting, how visitors are directed to my site, and where (geographically) they’re coming from. It’s also fascinating to examine the search terms that web surfers have used to end up at This Mom Loves. I have to say, some of them must have come away very disappointed.

Many people are searching for mom blogs, or searching me out by my name, but many others land here because they’ve Googled (or Binged, or whatever search engine they happen to be using) the topic of one of my posts. The readers looking for “why not to paint a room red”, “Regis and Kelly show”, or “executive functioning in kids” hopefully took something away from my experiences.

There are some funny misspellings, like “compar tracter joan dear” (and I don’t actually recall ever discussing John Deere tractors here anyway, so I don’t know how that one landed on This Mom Loves!) “Tucked old moms” is one that I just don’t understand, nor do I get “gemes enteras”. I even searched it myself to find out of it meant something, but to no avail! “Circus school” made me scratch my head for a moment, until I remembered that Marci Ien shared a pic of her daughter with that label.

Speaking of Marci (and YES, for all of you avid “Marci Ien pregnant” Googlers of late, she is indeed expecting her second child in September), a ton of traffic comes from web users looking for info on my Momterview subjects (to date, in addition to Marci: Laurie Gelman, Caroline Connell, Hayley Wickenheiser, Debbie Travis, Jessica Holmes, Tracy Moore, Sarah Richardson and Gail Vaz Oxlade). The readers wanting to find out more about their families and careers were hopefully satisfied. The surfers looking for any one of these lovely women in conjunction with the following search terms were likely not as happy: “topless”, “in spandex”, “lips”, “bikini”, “barefoot”, “cleavage” and several more that are not fit to print. (And I’m not going to tell you which terms were searched for which celeb!)

“Mom loves (blank)” is another very popular search variation. And yes, “mom loves her daughters”, and “mom loves saving money” are certainly relevant to this site. “Mom loves to party” might be questionable, depending on the context.  However, I absolutely refuse to tell you what some of the other terms are (especially since I don’t want to attract more searchers!) and while I will not confirm or deny being partial to any of them, some are more of an “EWWW!” and certainly not topics for discussion here on my blog!!!

Oh, and P.S.:  My apologies to the poor soul who was looking for “mommy sewing blogs” and landed up here. Google Search must have a cruel sense of humour!

6 comments on “They Searched What????”

  1. HAHAH! I always get a kick finding out how people find my blog. One time someone found me by way of a search called "cream that prevents thighs rubbing together"…I call that one a win!

  2. I replied to Lisa and told her that Google search isn't THAT far off…no one comes to me looking for cooking!

    If any other bloggers try this (or have posted about it in the past) please feel free to leave a link here, and/or link to mine. Definitely worth a laugh!

  3. Hi. Here from the bloghop. I'm your newest follower because I really enjoyed this post. I get all kinds of hits on my blog for sad memoirs because I reviewed a couple of books about it. Yours are hilarious!

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