Everyone has a “thing”. Yours might be weight, teeth, or hair. You obsess over it, check out everyone else’s, and are unfailingly judgmental of your own. My thing is my skin. When I was about twelve, I started to break out. Then it got worse. And worse. I tried tons of over-the-counter products, and doctor-prescribed antibiotics and creams. […] Read more…

Millennial Moms: Is This You?
(Spoiler alert: a link to my radio debut is at the end of this post!) If you were born any time from the late 70’s onward, you can join me in calling yourself a Millennial Mom. What’s so special about us? Well, according to a new study from BBDO and Curiosity Inc., a whole lot. And since […] Read more…

Brag About It Jewelry – Review and Giveaway
Giveaway open to Canada and U.S. Brag About It Jewelry is handmade by a Canadian mother of two named Melissa, and is hand-stamped using individual stamping tools. She has a large array of gorgeous items: rings, necklaces, bracelets, which can be stamped with your children’s names and birthdates, or can be accented by their birthstones. These […] Read more…
Spill It!: Bad Mommy Moments
I’m a Good Mommy. I mean, relatively speaking. I have confidence that I (usually) do the right thing. I am also evolved enough to know that sometimes doing the right thing for my daughters means putting myself or my marriage first, so when I say I’m a Good Mommy, I’m certainly no martyr. That said, […] Read more…
Winners: Scholastic and Lulu Photobooks
Congratulations to Kady L. of Milton, ON, winner of the Klutz craft kits from Scholastic and Leah S. of Summerland, BC, winner of the Lulu Photobook Enjoy your prizes, ladies! Read more…
Cool Toy: Glow Crazy Distance Doodler
It was just a few days before Christmas when I received a Glow Crazy Distance Doodler to review, and I have to be honest: I put it on a shelf for a few weeks, because I knew my girls did not need a new toy just then, what with the haul to come from Santa, […] Read more…

Why I’ll Leave the Baby-Exploiting to Teresa Strasser
Ten Reasons Why My Pregnancy and Birth Memoir Could Never Be as Good as “Exploiting My Baby”, by TV and Radio Personality Teresa Strasser 1. I am so unfunny. I’d like to think I have my (few and far-between) moments, but even when I’m at the top of my game, I reach about 20% of Teresa’s […] Read more…
My Cold Confession
Okay, I’m coming out of the closet (but certainly not out of the house) as a bad mother here and admitting that I HATE going outside in the winter. Not only do I despise cold weather myself, but I resent the hassle of getting kids all bundled up just to go outside, freeze, and bring them back in […] Read more…

Lulu Photobooks: Review and Giveaway
Giveaway open to Canada and US. When I was first offered the opportunity to make a Photo Book at Lulu.com, I actually hesitated for a few weeks. The thing is, I have weird organizational issues. For example, I just happen to prefer all my photos printed off and arranged in chronological order in photo albums. (I know, […] Read more…

Winners: CSN and Cheerios
Congratulations to the latest This Mom Loves winners: The $50 CSN card: # 288 of 389 Kitty C. of Radcliff, Kentucky Cheerios Prize Pack # 3 of 94 Yuk Ching of Toronto, ON There’s still time for Canadians to enter to win Klutz Craft Kits from Scholastic (ends Feb 14th). Coming next: photobooks and personalized jewelery! (Open to […] Read more…