Today I’m sharing a special guest post from a beautiful blog, Viva la Dolce (you should definitely check it out on Instagram too – gorgeous!) Enjoy!


My name is Danila and I am the founder and editor of the blog, Viva la Dolce (

I started my blog with the intention of creating a positive and inspiring space on the web that celebrates “la dolce vita” (Italian for “the sweet life”).  As a writer, teacher and mother, I understand how busy life can get, and how hard it can be to find time to enjoy the things you love.  That’s why I created Viva la Dolce – as a way to connect to life’s little pleasures.

“La Dolce Vita” can mean different things to different people – it may be as simple as a walk in the park, enjoying time with family and friends, receiving a bouquet of flowers, or perhaps enjoying a luxurious 5-star vacation!  Whatever it is, the important thing is that it is celebrated!  That’s what the blog is all about – taking the time to embrace and appreciate those “dolce” moments, however big or small, that make your life that much more enjoyable and special.

Read on to learn more about “La Dolce Vita” concept and how you can find ways to incorporate it into your life!


The phrase “La Dolce Vita” comes from Italian culture.  From food to fashion to art, Italian culture is known to pride itself on an appreciation for the finer things in life. Most Italians also like to embrace life’s moments with great passion!  Being of Italian descent, and having visited the country numerous times, I have always admired the way Italian culture focuses on working to live and not living to work, as we sometimes do in North America.  As Italians say, “La vita è troppo breve per mangiare e bere male” (“Life is too brief to eat and drink poorly”)!

Here are some of the ways you can embrace “la dolce vita”, which are also the categories on my site:


While this category encompasses many topics, one that I like to focus on is family.  Spending time with those you love, over a nice meal or fun activity, can really recharge your spirit.  If you are far from family, even a phone call to a loved one does wonders for the heart!


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Fashion is so interesting, as it is a way to communicate something about yourself without having to say a word.  Each person has their own unique style and definition of beauty; for me, I love statement pieces.  Anything with intricate detail usually captures my eye!


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Although the latest make up trends are always fun to try, the most important part of a positive beauty regime is taking care of oneself from the inside out.  I’ve always been fascinated by the power of foods and their impact on healthy skin, hair and nails.


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Decor, like fashion, is based on one’s selective taste.  For some, like myself, it’s fun to include items from one’s travels around the house, as a reminder of those fun moments abroad.  Anything murano in my home reminds me of my travels in Venice!


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When it comes to food, the “dolce vita” aspect would be taking the time to actually appreciate and enjoy the meal.  In our fast-paced lives this can sometimes become a rarity. Whether it be a savory homebaked dish, or mouthwatering dessert, indulge in every bite!


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In our multicultural world, it is always interesting learning about different cultures and ways of life.  By learning about others, we open our minds and can sometimes see more similarities between cultures than we realize exist, as we all share the common thread of humanity.  I am passionate about both my Italian and Canadian cultures and love sharing about them!


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Nelson Mandela once said, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.  If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” As a teacher and advocate for languages, I couldn’t agree more!  Communicating with someone in their language shows a great deal of respect for that person, as well as a great deal of effort by the speaker to connect with that individual. The more languages one can learn, the more he or she can relate to others and gain a better understanding of the world.  Viva la Dolce has included language learning from its inception; originally with Italian proverb translations, and more recently through Italian vocabulary posts.



Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us today, Danila! For more, please visit Viva la Dolce! You can also find Viva la Dolce on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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